• Hellen  Akinyi sells cereal products like dry maize, dry beans, rice, cassava, sorghum, and groundnuts. These products are very essential because they are the staple food in the region and these products are always in demand. Although she sells them at retail prices, she wants to offer quality products that are good for human consumption as well as for agricultural activity purposes. Hellen is the only one who sells these products in her area so there is a high demand from the consumers. Thus, she needs to put up a warehouse or storage house where she can sell these products in larger quantities so that retailers can get them nearby without traveling far to purchase them.

$50.00 of $500.00 goal
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About The Project

Upon receiving the donation, Hellen Akinyi plans to increase the supply of cereals to consumers and retailers whose incomes are very low and who are living in slum areas. Therefore, she sells cereals in her local market nearby to promote her community's purchasing power. She plans also to open a warehouse or a storage house for her products so she can buy the products from other local farmers and be able to store them. During the drought seasons, she can sell the products at affordable prices.  By putting up a warehouse or storage house, she knows that retailers will have a constant food supply within the community even during times of drought. Her plans with this business are to expand and to ensure that she employs young people who can learn, feed their families, and change their lives.  According to Hellen, the donation will help her open a new venture in the business area. She is optimistic about creating a life-impacting change in the coming months with the help of CII. Hellen is a determined business lady, she has a bigger vision for her business in the near future. Since she started this business she has really been very active to encourage other women to start their own businesses within the community.

Paying it Forward

With the plans that she has put in place for her business, she knows for sure that by the end of 2022, upon receiving the donation, she will be able to help a few people to help other community members(peer to peer support). That's her aim in doing this project. 

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Funding Report


Her name is Hellen Akinyi. She comes from Kisumu and is married and has two children. She is a merchant. This business started in 2020 during the time of Covid-19. The business was meant to help those who were very hungry and could not afford staple food such as cereals.  She started this business selling cereals door to door. She got encouragement from her neighbors who gave her mutual support together with her husband to start this kind of business. So her husband supported her with the idea of renting a place and continuing with the business. People could bring some of the products for her to sell for them and at the end of the day, she gets the dividend. Currently, she is happy doing this project because it is the source of her living and she supports her family with its returns.  The biggest problem she is facing in her business is the rate of inflation in the country, meaning that she cannot purchase these products at the normal prices she used to because the distributors, that is the farmers, have increased the purchase price. 

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals




Basic Information

  • Created By : Stephen Ochinga
  • Published On : Aug 3, 2022, 2:27 PM
  • Funding Ends : Dec 31, 1969, 4:00 PM
  • Backer :
  • Address : -
  • Phone : -
  • Email : -
  • Description : Her name is Hellen Akinyi. She comes from Kisumu and is married and has two children. She is a merchant. This business started in 2020 during the time of Covid-19. The business was meant to help those who were very hungry and could not afford staple food such as cereals.  She started this business...  more

Project Funders



What's New

  • Stephen Ochinga
    Stephen Ochinga is following project: Dry Cereals.

    Goal Amount : $500.00

  • Mauricio Miller
    Mauricio Miller is following project: Dry Cereals.

    Goal Amount : $500.00

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Location Information

  • Location : Ahero, Kenya
  • Formatted Address : Ahero, Kenya
  • Street Address : Ahero
  • State :
  • Country : Kenya