• FULLY FUNDED - LET'S GET IT DONE CAMPAIGN - The Fishing Village community has come together to create this very important toilet project. They will build a bathroom structure that will house 6 biogestic toilets which will last about 15-20 years. This will decrease the practice of open defecation in the beaches and in the grave yard sites in the community. The community wants a healthier, cleaner, more sanitary environment free from human waste and create a an enviornment that decreases the  diseases that come about from unknown indirect and direct contact with human waste.

$2,890.00 of $2,781.00 goal

tax deductible in USA

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About The Project


Total money needed to complete this toilet project: $2781.00

Total money needed from donations : $1,981.00
Total money donated by the community : $800.00

Projected start of project: August 2, 2023
Projected end of project: November 2, 2023

This very important community project will bring 6 biogestic toilets (lasts on average 15-20yrs) to the fishing village community of 2,500, 100 homes are in this community. Your important donation will enable the fishing village community to build and have access to 6 biogestic toilets housed in a bathroom structure. At this moment, there are no toilets in the fishing village community. Your donation will allow the fishing village group/community to purchase the materials needed to build the structure ie toilets, pvc piping, concrete, cement, bricks, steel rod, nails, commodes etc and the  hiring of manpower to construct/build this structure. The community has developed a well thought of plan that includes a detailed list of the materials that will be used to build the structure, projected timeline of project, a detailed maintenance schedule, and owner management meeting schedules. A fee of 20 Liberian dollars (11 cents) will be charged for use of the facilities. 30% of the monies that is collected will be used for cleaning supplies, toilet paper, hand washing soap, and maintenance workers. With the completion of this project, the goal to decrease human waste  in the ocean and in the grave yards will be achieved and the community will live in a healthier cleaner environment. The fish that will be caught and eaten, will be cleaner and healthier to consume. 

About 49% of Liberians lack access to toilets, many practicing open defecation


Paying it Forward

Our CII/PDC families are continually trying to improve their community which is evident in how much time, effort and money is put into improving their community.

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Funding Report


The need for approx. half of the population of Buchanan (2 million people) to have toilets is an important issue that needs to be addressed. In these challenge grants, groups ( self selected groups) from PDC/CII had meetings to address the most important needs for their community, the need for toilets was the priority for this community. 

What's New

  • Marie Zernovoj
  • Marie Zernovoj
    8/11/23 This fully funded "Let's Get it Done" project has started in full force, they have dug foundation trenches and are casting pillars to support the building. Exciting to watch the beginning stages of the toilet structure. Donate to the...  more
  • Marie Zernovoj
    Pleas join me and LET'S GET IT DONE!! let's bring toilets to this community..
  • Tom Dewar

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals




Basic Information

  • Created By : Adia Weaver
  • Published On : Apr 28, 2020, 12:56 PM
  • Funding Ends : Dec 31, 1969, 4:00 PM
  • Backer :
  • Address : -
  • Phone : -
  • Email : -
  • Description : The need for approx. half of the population of Buchanan (2 million people) to have toilets is an important issue that needs to be addressed. In these challenge grants, groups ( self selected groups) from PDC/CII had meetings to address the most important needs for their community, the need for...  more

Project Funders




125 #

Number of Trees Planted

6325 KGs

Carbon Reduced in KGs


Location Information

  • Location : Liberia
  • Formatted Address : Liberia
  • Country : Liberia