I’m Tom Jackson and I am twenty-three years old. I’m married to one wife and have one child. We live in a rented house. My mother died in a car accident in 2010 when I was in class 6. After that event, I lacked support since it was my mother who provided me with each and everything because my father is addicted to alcohol and unable to do it himself. When I was 19 years I started to sell vegetables with capital Tzs 20,000/=. I thank God that up to now I have succeeded to rent a house for my family and pay water and electricity bills although I still plan to make sure my family members have health insurance and permanent settlement. I also bought a piece of land for my family's house.
I was involved in this CII project by Dickson who is also my teacher. Since I started this job, I have managed to earn a daily income that helps me make a living with my family. The challenge I face is lacking a fridge for storing vegetables and fruits. This challenge has been leading to my goods (tomatoes, cabbages, spinach, eggplant, etc) rotting which leads to continued loss in my business. To prevent these losses I must get a fridge.